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Showing posts from May, 2013

Tankard Interview: No Nonsense Metal Interviews

NNMR: No Nonsense Metal Interviews TANKARD    Tankard have been Thrashing and promoting excessive alcohol consumption for the last three decades, and for those reasons they are heralded as the King's of Alcoholic Metal. Fifteen albums into their career, Tankard show no signs of slowing down. Despite having such an impressive career, these Thrash-Metal icons don't seem remotely phased by success.    No Nonsense Metal got in touch with Tankard's own Olaf Zissel, to get the latest word from the German Teutonic Thrash Legends camp, and see what they have going for the future. NNM : Hey Olaf, Its been 30 years and 15 studio albums since Tankard began. Why do you think it is      that Tankard has had such a great career? Olaf : "I don't know if you can call it great..... I prefer to say "long", and I think there is nothing special to it. Just kept on going in times when nobody is listening to our music." NNM : Tankard have released an impress...

My Dying Bride: The Manuscript EP

MY DYING BRIDE: THE MANUSCRIPT EP     The masters of Doom return once again to drown we mere mortals with the essential threshold of bleak that we so need. It just so happens that once again, My Dying Bride, have released another collection of mind blowing brilliance.     2012's A Map Of All Our Failures, was a genuine masterpiece. It captured the very essence of Doom Metal. Three of the four songs that comprise The Manuscript, were recorded at the same time as the 2012 opus. The resulting creation, is an EP with a virtually identical sound to its full-length associate.     The anthems of Blackened winter Doom are in abundance here, with the magnificent "A Pale Shroud Of Longing" and title track, "The Manuscript". Both of these tracks are strongly reminiscent of previous gems "The Poorest Waltz" and "Within The Presence Of Absence". The slightly more Death or Black-Metal orientated "Var Gud Over Er", makes for a genuine treat. ...

Ancient Ascendant Interview: No Nonsense Metal Interviews

NNMR: No Nonsense Metal Interviews ANCIENT ASCENDANT      If there is one thing that the Metal-Music world has an abundance of, its brilliant young bands. Bands with enormous amounts of talent, ready to be unleashed upon the unsuspecting universe. Ancient Ascendant, are one of those bands, and they are a band destined for great success.    Ancient Ascendant, have released one full-length album and 2 EP's, including 2012's magnificent, "Into The Dark", and are currently crafting new material for their second full-length offering. Ancient Ascendant, have played countless events, including a triumphant appearance at Bloodstock Festival 2012, and have supported one of the biggest bands in extreme Metal.    No Nonsense Metal Reviews got in touch with Ancient Ascendant's own Alan Webb, to try and uncover what is happening with one of Metal's greatest rising stars. NNMR: How are things going for the band right now ? Webb: "Things are great....

Battle Beast: Battle Beast

BATTLE BEAST: BATTLE BEAST    If this album was anymore powerful, you would need a licence to own it. What a Beast this album is, its claws dig deep into your skin within the first few seconds of opening track, "Let It Roar". Every track is amazing and unique, even the instrumental sections are breathtakingly impressive.    The unhallowed unity of metallic riffing and atmospheric keyboards, creates a jaw-dropping spectacle. It seems that Battle Beast have taken elements of Judas Priest and Helloween, added a sprinkle of their own creative magnificence, and created an album to contest for supremacy as the best Heavy Metal album of the century.    Battle Beast do nothing by half measures. The guitar solos are show stealing displays of masterful musicianship. The vocals can range from slashing screams and wild wails, to throat scratching snarls and haunting howls.    Tracks like "Out Of Control" and "Fight, Kill, Die", wield the muscular voc...


GUIDE TO BEING A METAL-HEAD: 5 ALBUMS YOU NEED IN YOUR LIFE!    Lets face it, we all love that immensely satisfying feeling we get when we hear some great new music. Music that doesn't necessarily have to be new to the whole world, but music that is new to you. New music can have a huge impact on your life. After all, we all discover out favorite bands and songs by listening to something for the first time, right?     Recommendations account for a large amount of the music we discover, whether its a recommendation from a friend, a magazine, a band or even a total stranger on the internet. So here are some albums that most Metal-Heads will already be well acquainted with, but would recommend to anyone hungry for The Metal. Check out these albums, you may even discover your new favorite songs.....  5: NAPALM DEATH  ORDER OF THE LEECH     By the time Order Of The Leech was released, the old Grind-Core tradition of son...

Gama Bomb Interview: No Nonsense Metal Interviews

NNMR: No Nonsense Metal Interviews: GAMA BOMB        Thrash. Arguably the purest strain of Metal music. Its responsible for some of the biggest bands in the Metal world. Thrash, like all types of music, has had musical ups and downs. Times when it has been at the top of its game and encircling the world like a plague. It has also had times when it seemed to be crumbling before us. Here in 2013, this scene appears to be in its best health since 1986, and bands like Gama Bomb, are why.    Gama Bomb are one of greatest Thrash bands of the 21st century. Heralding from Ireland, they have created their own unique sound, while helping to rebuild Thrash back into the world conquering machine it was in the 1980's. Their dedication is truly inspirational, both through their extensive touring and their brilliant studio releases. Gama Bomb even released their third full length album as a free download. Gama Bomb's latest release, The Terror Tapes, is he...

Immolation: Kingdom Of Conspiracy

IMMOLATION KINGDOM OF CONSPIRACY    Beautiful brutality. Its the only accurate way to describe Kingdom Of Conspiracy. Immolation never fail to deliver the dose of thunderous brutality that we rely on them to provide, and this particular fix of savagery is nothing short of brilliance.    Every aspect of Kingdom Of Conspiracy is drenched in perfection. The rhythmic Death-Metal riffs, coupled with the guttural screams, creates an atmosphere that surrounds the album like a plague. The songs themselves are nothing short of breathtaking. In fact, songs like "Keep The Silence" and "The Great Sleep" are the reasons why Kingdom Of Conspiracy is Immolation's greatest accomplishment to date.     Death-Metal isn't everyone favorite type of music. Even among Metal-Heads, Death-Metal is something of an acquired taste. That said, there is nothing about Kingdom Of Conspiracy that is not to like. The songs are incredible and the sound is complet...

5 Reasons Why You Should Love Classic THRASH METAL

5 Reasons Why You Should Love Classic        THRASH METAL    We all love Thrash. You don't need to have been around in the 1980's to be classed as a real Thrasher, all you need is a thirst for riffs and a hunger for the mosh pit. Luckily for Thrashers, their chosen sub-genre of Metal is rich in classic albums. So here is a short list of 5 reasons why you should love Thrash-Metal. These are only some of the hundreds of incredible albums to emerge from when the scene was on the rise, but that's not the point. You can hardly call yourself a Metal-Head or a Thrasher if you dislike these albums. So, just how Metal are you? 5: DESTRUCTION: INFERNAL OVERKILL       You can't find much more of an underground classic than this. Destruction's first full length album is built purely from the fibers of Thrash-Metal. With its sound that is clearly heavily influenced by Venom and the rising scene around them, Infernal O...