BELPHEGOR: TOTENRITUAL The only way to describe the intensity and sound of Belphegor's 11th full-length album, Totenritual, is that it is the musical equivalent of being hit by a massive, Satanic, Blackened Death Metal train, which has been covered in nails and goat skulls, and is also on fire. Totenritual is easily Belphegor's most punishing and extreme album to date, noticeably turning up the extremity after previous assault, Conjuring The Dead. Opening track, " Baphomet " sets the tone for the rest of the album perfectly, launching head first into a Black Metal abyss of pounding, machine gun drumming, unhallowed vocals and horrifically distorted riffs. The banshee-esque shrieks that follow the sample introduction of, " The Devil's Son ", are nothing short of terrifying and awe-inspiring. The rest of the song is utterly delightful too, as Belphegor demonstrate, with extreme force, just how Black Metal should be done. Laden heavy...
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