POWERWOLF: CALL OF THE WILD German Power Metal preachers Powerwolf are very quickly becoming a household name within the Metal music community. With the release of their excellent eighth album, Call Of The Wild, their notoriety and fame is dest ined to grow exponentially. With an huge cult following, Powerwolf have changed the modern Power Metal game and are rapidly proving themselves as the alpha at the head of the modern Heavy Metal pack. Bounding like a furious beast, opening blow " Faster Than The Flame " is a formidable Power Metal assault armed with crunchy riffs, relentless drumming, blistering solos, layered with atmospheric organs and led by frontman Attila Dorn's commanding operatic vocals. Pummelling your ears like cannon fire, " Beast Of GĂ©vaudan " is a marauding monster of a track, with huge hooks and an infectious chorus, collosal synth soundscapes, crunchy riffs and a piercing solo. Eerie chants, tolling bells and creepy keys ...
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