NO NONSENSE METAL REVIEWS: THE TOP 10 ALBUMS OF 2021 Despite lockdowns, travel restrictions and the cancellation of normality as a result of an ever present global pandemic, 2021 has been a very healthy year for heavy music. With the cancellation and indefinite postponement of tours, festivals and live music in general, bands and artists have been forced to explore alternative avenues and express their artistic visions and passions in other ways. The down time away from the road has left bands with schedules empty enough to write and record new material, some of which has proven to be exceptionally strong new albums, EPs and compilations. The phenomena of the "lockdown live album" as well as live streaming events and virtual concerts have also become a commonplace staple in many band's discography, showing defiantly that COVID-19 and the consequent restrictions enforced will never suffocate the breath of creativity or shroud the light of the soul. Making the be...
No Nonsense Metal Reviews does exactly what it says on the tin. With this blog, I will be reviewing the latest slabs of brutality and ear-pounding savagery. So show your support for the underground and for Metal music, give it a chance!