Suffocation Pinnacle Of Bedlam You want brutality? You got it. Suffocation's seventh full length album hits hard and fast like repeated hammer blows to the head. Pinnacle Of Bedlam totals just under 40 minuets long, and there is not a single second during that time for you to catch your breath. Just listen to the monolithic opening track " Cycles Of Suffering ", and attempt to headband in time with the riffs. Tracks like " As Grace Descends " are pure Death Metal gems. The Death-Metal tradition of just having an album of tracks bleeding from one to the next, with very little or no variation in style for the duration of the album, definitely does not apply here. As you progress through the album, you are exposed to so many different styles and twist in sound. Such as the brief melodic intro on "Sullen Days" and the skull pounding thunderous riffs towards the end of "Rapture Of Revocation". Luckily though, the variation on t...
No Nonsense Metal Reviews does exactly what it says on the tin. With this blog, I will be reviewing the latest slabs of brutality and ear-pounding savagery. So show your support for the underground and for Metal music, give it a chance!