No Nonsense Metal Reviews
New Blood Bands Worth Hunting:
Its no secret that in this day and age, young bands can find it virtually impossible to get themselves off the ground. That failure to leave the runway can destroy potentially world changing talent before they have even had a chance to prove themselves. Demo recordings and local gigging might be the most basic means of spreading the word, but they are definitely the most effective. For proof of this just look at a band like Necropsy. After all, the worlds greatest bands had to have started somewhere. However, one enormous contributor to band recognition and discovery is obviously the Internet, something Necropsy didn't have on their side back in their active years.
So by using the medium of the Internet, anyone can tell everyone about newly uncovered bands and songs. That is exactly what this "New Blood Worth Hunting" article is all about. First up for interrogation is Dublin based progressive Metal outfit, Svet Kant.
NNM: Hi Svet Kant, tell us about what material you have released and if you have anymore on the way?
Santiago (Singer/Guitarist): "So far the band has released one full length album called "Loneliness". We're not really into releasing EP's and singles, we prefer focusing on a great record and putting all our effort into that. It is an eight track full length album, including an intro played by me (Santiago Kodela) on the classical guitar. Besides that, another full length is being composed and is almost finished. Also a one track album that is about 40 minuets long is being developed, which I can assure every Metal lover will like. Plus there are plenty of other ideas, so the band has plenty of material fortunately."
The eight track album "Loneliness" that Santiago mentioned is available for listening on Youtube and Svet Kant's website. The material itself is in need of refining and consolidation, but is certainly a strong starting point. There is plenty of solid riffs, snarling screams and instrumental variation. Sometimes the daring exploration into clean sung territories doesn't quite pay off, and the classic screams are the best solution. As they say, its better the Devil you know.
NNM: Does Svet Kant tour or play live shows?
Santiago: "So far the band hasn't toured or played live. For the creation of this record [Loneliness], session musicians were hired and some guests helped bring it to life. However all the musical direction, creation and composition was done by me. Now I'm looking for committed musicians to work on new material and start gigging everywhere!"
NNM: What difficulties do new and young bands face in particular?
Santiago: "In my personal opinion and from past experiences, there are 2 main things that bands have to deal with a lot. The first one and the one I believe is most important, is to find suitable and committed musicians with the same objectives. It's very difficult to find musicians who what to improve everyday, that want to sacrifice for and dedicate to the band and to get to a pro level. Unfortunately, many musicians don't realise how long it takes to master an instrument. I believe the things to be learnt are endless and I don't think I'm a master at it. The other thing bands face in anxiety. In the path of music, one thing you can be certain of is that it takes a lot of time! Yes, everyone has dreams of being the new Slayer or Metallica, to tour around the world and so on, but even for them the path was long and took several years. New bands have to be patient and just keep on going, eventually good things will happen."
NNM: What bands or artists inspire the music you make?
Santiago: "Uffff......there are so many and from such different styles. Besides the pillars of Metal like Metallica, Pantera, Megadeth and Slayer. Some of the one that helped us to create and who inspire me are Meshuggah, Gojira, Behemoth, Necrophagist and Opeth, as well as Classical Music and Jazz etc."
NNM: Are there any themes in particular that make you want to create and play music?
Santiago: "A lot of our lyrics revolve around and focus on human behavior and things related to our flaws and redundancies that we keep realising as a race. Our first album was based on the principle of reaching a place where humans haven't yet arrived. That place where things are pure and un-corrupted by our devouring nature, to a peaceful realm. However, on future albums we will keep our minds open and try to focus on other things, such as the meaning of life and mankind's purpose on this planet.
NNM: How would you describe Svet Kant's music?
Santiago: "Shifting, never boring and attractive."
NNM: Where do you see Svet Kant being in 5 years time?
Santiago: "Consolidating an important amount of fans worldwide and delivering them the music they like without letting them down."
NNM: Any last comments to your fans or anyone interested in the band?
Santiago: "Yes, we are based in Ireland [Dublin] and if any musicians are interested in being part of this project then we recommend you send a message to We also invite anyone interested to follow us on Twitter [@svetkant], like us on Facebook, join us on our Youtube channel and updates will be loaded onto our website. In the upcoming weeks we will also be uploading media such as pictures, lyrics, tabs for all songs and much more."
So there you have it. Words from a new blood band on the reality of being in the industry in today's world. Don't forget to check out Svet Kant's music and give them your feedback. If your in Dublin, it might just be worth your time getting in touch with the band.
Thank you for reading!!!
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