Rarely does such brutal music generate such encapsulating atmospheres. The melding of pulsating groove riffs, electronic effects, sharp leads and guitar melodies certainly isn't a common concoction within the more extreme realms of Metal music. Whether this is the result of 'purist' mentalities or that some bands simply don't think to deviate from their more established and ferocious formulas, it is of complete irrelevance here. The fact is that DevilDriver are back with a dynamic new sound, on an entirely new machine built from old parts. The big question is though, will the new sound on a new album be enough to earn DevilDriver the stature they deserve?
As the gentle intro of opening track "Oath Of The Abyss" sends frost tipped chills through your veins, the identity of the 'new sound' is revealed. However, the Immortal-esque soundscaping doesn't resonate for long before the waves of heaviness come crashing though. Bounding groove orientated riffs and battering drums take center stage, accompanied by a vocalist, Dez Fafara's iconic screams.
The atmospherics return on a number of tracks on Winter Kills. Most noticeably on tracks "Curses And Epitaphs", "Carings Overkill" and "Human Refrain". This doesn't mean that those songs are less Metallic in anyway, if anything, harmonious and gentle intros make the savagery of the riffs seem far more savage by comparison. The closing cover of indie band, Awolnation's "Sail", is a perfect example of this, as it becomes a merciless masterpiece when in the hands of DevilDriver.
Although DevilDriver have drastically improved and refined their sound, the classic NWOAHM (New Wave Of American Heavy Metal) sound still looms large throughout the album. Songs such as "Ruthless", "The Appetite" and "Gutted" aren't just slabs of modern Metal mastery, they are also some of the catchiest, grooviest, most pulverizing and rhythmic songs in DevilDriver's extensive catalogue. Those in search of DevilDriver's trademark, chant inducing choruses will not be disappointed here. Winter Kills boasts unstoppable mosh forming slices like "Desperate Times" and "Tripping Over Tombstones".
Considering that Winter Kills consists of eleven songs of full throttle, full on Metal assault, selecting a single choice cut is an impossible proposal. Choosing two, or even three songs would be a strenuous task. This should give an indication of just how much of an accomplishment Winter Kills truly is. If this isn't the album that sees DevilDriver rise to international Metal stardom, then it will certainly help bolster the bands already solid reputation.
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