For those unfamiliar with Exhumed or Death-Metal in general, here is a few facts that it is advisable to keep in mind while listening to Necrocracy. Firstly, it is perfectly natural to be flailing and convulsing in a manor reminiscent of someone being possessed by the Demon. Secondly, yes other bands do use guitars coupled with screamed and growled vocals, no you haven't heard it done like this before. Finally, yes this is one of the best albums of this year so far and one of the greatest Death-Metal albums in recent history.
Exhumed may have some impressive material to their name already, but Necrocracy will be the album to drag the band into an entirely new era of acclaim and popularity. Detonating like an atomic bomb, opening track "Coins Upon The Eyes" squashes that hypothesis, replacing it with the abundantly clear truth that Exhumed are going places. Clearly one of Exhumed's objectives was to create a physical embodiment of the expression, "All killer no filler". This becomes blatantly obvious as the album progresses and only seems to get better and better.
As the barbaric onslaught of "The Shape Of Deaths To Come" and title track "Necrocracy" smashes clean through your brain, the musical progression that Exhumed have embraced becomes more apparent. The brutality continues into the pummeling alter of "Dysmorphic" and through to the putrid album highlight, "Sickened". Later tracks such as "Ravening" and "The Rotting", successfully keep up the momentum, but its the rumbling dominance of "Carrion Call" that steals the show. With its dirty chugging Death riffs, thundering bass lines, rattling machine-gun drums and almost rapping vocal style, "Carrion Call" ticks all the boxes.
These tracks are solidly constructed, reinforced with twice as many Grind-infused riffs, sculpted with battering blast-beats and coated in a appealing layer of guttural, holy-water boiling vocals. To conclude, if you manage to find fault with Necrocracy, then clearly you have spent many a lonely night searching for it and don't really deserve to be exposed to music of this quality. If on the other hand you adore this slab of musical excellence, be prepared to hear of Exhumed's achievement for many months to come. But lets face, with an album as good as this, we wont be surprised when we are hearing about it many years from now.
Thank you for reading!!!
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