INTRODUCING: CROCELL Lets face it, the buzz of discovering a kick-ass new band is something that every Metal-Heads lives for. After all, you discover your favorite bands and your favorite songs by listening to them for a first time. If you happen to be in the mood for discovering some serious spine-shiver inducing Death-Metal, by one of the most brutal bands to ascend upon the European Metal underground in a decade, then let Crocell blow both your mind and your speakers. Emerging from Denmark and embodying the very foulest aspects of Scandinavian Death-Metal, Crocell play a very unique form of true, honest and entirely brutal music. For proof of this, just check out their new full-length album, Come Forth Plague. Armed to the teeth with pulverizing slabs of heaviness, Come Forth Plague is not an album for the faint hearted. Tracks such as " The Dark I Will Inhale " and " My Path Of Heresy ", s...
No Nonsense Metal Reviews does exactly what it says on the tin. With this blog, I will be reviewing the latest slabs of brutality and ear-pounding savagery. So show your support for the underground and for Metal music, give it a chance!