Lets face it, the buzz of discovering a kick-ass new band is something that every Metal-Heads lives for. After all, you discover your favorite bands and your favorite songs by listening to them for a first time. If you happen to be in the mood for discovering some serious spine-shiver inducing Death-Metal, by one of the most brutal bands to ascend upon the European Metal underground in a decade, then let Crocell blow both your mind and your speakers.
Emerging from Denmark and embodying the very foulest aspects of Scandinavian Death-Metal, Crocell play a very unique form of true, honest and entirely brutal music. For proof of this, just check out their new full-length album, Come Forth Plague. Armed to the teeth with pulverizing slabs of heaviness, Come Forth Plague is not an album for the faint hearted. Tracks such as "The Dark I Will Inhale" and "My Path Of Heresy", strike with a solid Death-Metal point, supported by a thick tone of Scandinavian Black-Metal. Meanwhile, the chugging Metallic savagery of "Seven Thrones", leaves a lasting impression and clear message that Crocell are a band with talent, determination and the right tools to leave their mark on a very exclusive form of music.
As with most underground talents, a lack of exposure can result in some truly phenomenal bands going largely unrecognized. So to try and shed some light on Denmark's finest, and find out just what is happening within the Crocell camp, No Nonsense Metal got in touch, armed with a bunch of questions desperately requiring answers.
NNM: Hello Crocell, For those who haven't yet had the pleasure of listening to you guys, how would you describe your music?
Onkel Kusse (Bass): "We play Scandinavian style Death-Metal in the way it was meant to sound; dirty, heavy and mean."
NNM: Crocell's latest full-length release, Come Forth Plague, is a masterpiece. How do you think it compares to your first two albums?
Onkel: "Come Forth plague is more aggressive and dirtier than the first two albums. All the Thrashy elements have been left out, and now it is pure Death-metal with some hints of Black and Doom. This time around we haven't used any triggers, beat detectives and shit like that in the recording process, and that gives the album a much more raw and energetic feel than the last two albums."
NNM: How will you approach a follow up to Come Forth Plague?
Onkel: "For the rest of 2013 we will be focusing on playing live, but in 2014 we will start writing songs again. We have hired a new guitarist (Rasmus Henriksen, ex-Panzerchrist, ex-Die) since Come Forth Plague, so we will see what impact that has on the band and the sound. We will probably stick to the raw Death-Metal, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was a bit more of a Black-Metal feeling on the next album."
NNM: What inspires you to create new music?
Tommy Christensen (Guitar): "I am very inspired by classical music, Especially the way the classical masters built their songs to emphasize the mood of the song. When it comes to Metal, I don't have a specific composer or band that I'm inspired by, but I listen to all sub-genres of Metal and use that in my songwriting. The feelings of the songs I write, is very much affected by my personal mood."
Andreas Posselt (Drums): "The creation of the songs is most often a collective process. The main riffs are written when we go to the rehearsal room, but we all take part in the general composition of the songs."
NNM: Have you guys got any upcoming tours or live shows?
Onkel: "We have some gigs in Denmark over the next few months and we are working on a few gigs in Northern Europe as well, but no really tours at the moment."
NNM: Is there anything you would like to say to your fans or anyone interested in Crocell?
Onkel: "If you are into pure, raw and dirty Death-Metal that still has some catchy riffing, or if your sick and tired of the polished, computerized, boy-band Metal, then Crocell is the band for you. We are even better live than on CD so you should definitely show up to our concerts and do some headbanging, have some Schnapps and have an awesome time with us!"
Whats not to like about Crocell? They play true-to-the-core Death-Metal, put on an incredible live show and are willing to drink Schnapps with their fans, which is lot more than a lot of bands are offering you these days. So if you haven't done so already, go and check out Crocell. If you do, you wont regret it. If you don't, your missing out, big time.
Thank You For Reading!!!
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