A wise soul once said that art should be disturbing, but in today's modern society, is anything truly disturbing or shocking anymore? In a world where our television screens visualise brutality and debauchery on a daily basis, and thanks to social media and the internet in general, the very depths of human depravity and perversity are just a few clicks away, can any form of art really make people cringe with disgust anymore? Colombian Slamming Brutal Death merchants Murder Pussy, are trying their damnedest to push the very boundaries of acceptability in a scene which is certainly no stranger to revolting artwork, lyrics and music.
Murder Pussy, who classify themselves as "Porn Slamming Brutal Death", clearly have no boundaries or reservations when it comes to their releases. You don't even have to listen to either their 2015 debut full length album, Destined To Brutal Rape, or their EP Pathologically Addicted To Porn released the following year, to get a sense of what this band is about. Further to the profound album titles and stomach-churning artworks, both releases contain an abundance of pornographic samples and other such revolting delights, which actually makes the music difficult, or near impossible to enjoy. Make no mistake, Murder Pussy is not the kind of band you can relax and unwind to or introduce your loved ones to.

Elsewhere on the album, Murder Pussy fail to deliver the goods and disappoint massively, wasting a huge amount of obvious potential and cohesive musicianship. For example, "Sex With A Mutilated Whore" actually sounds as though it has been recorded through a piece of string with a tin can tied to either end. The same can be said for "Masturbation Till Death", although to a slightly less mortifyingly deflating extent.

"Hard Core Oral Sex" is an Epicardiectomy style symbol and snare heavy barrage, overlaid with powerful vocals. The guitar work provides a distant background fuzz and all intricate playing is lost due to the production and once again, the dominating drum sound. "Nymphomaniac Dirty Porn Star" brings the low end bass to the forefront to meet a wall of blastbeats and skillful drum work. "Dismembered Putrid Limbs" finally sees the buzzing riffs breakthrough, only to fade away as the rumbling clanging bass takes over. The vocals are definitely worthy of some praise, ranging from classic Slam style bile-bubbling growls, to high screeches.
Overall, Murder Pussy's music is debilitated venomously by the basic poor production. Upon listening to both Destined To Brutal Rape and Pathologically Addicted To Porn, a question comes to mind, would Murder Pussy's music have a wider appeal and deeper impact if they dispensed with the deliberately primitive production and obscene samples and aesthetics? The short answer is, that it is not for the listener to decide. Artistic licence and integrity, as well as staying true to their own creativeness means that it is up to the band to decide how they record and present their own musical outlets. That said, the fact cannot be escaped, as musicians and song writers Murder Pussy have a lot of potential which is lost unnecessarily.
If you are a fan of Porn Slamming Brutal Death, then these are the releases for you, in fact most fans of Brutal Death-Metal would be able to find at least a couple of tracks that they can enjoy. Unfortunately for Murder Pussy, their current releases and their highly obscene extremity are unlikely to earn them the credit that they deserve as artists.
MURDER PUSSY's releases are available through ROTTEN MUSIC here
Music is available from BANDCAMP here
Listen to "Macabre Acts Of Fetishism" here
Images taken from The Metal Archives and ROTTEN MUSIC.
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