With more samples than a phlebotomist's laboratory and all the metallic brutality of diving head first into a pit of barbed wire, Hell On Earth is a prolonged onslaught of modern extreme Metal mastery. Although it may appear on the surface as just another one of the thousands of Brutal Death-Metal albums churned out every year, Mastectomy's debut full-length album, Hell On Earth, is a brilliantly produced and orchestrated album from start to finish. Stretching across 14, merciless tracks, totaling over 50 minutes playing time, the one man Polish Death-Metal unit has pulled out all the stops, and clearly given their all for the first full-length release. Despite the impressive and unconventional quantity of material offered on the album, Hell On Earth flows beautifully, and has enough high quality musical extremity to keep your ears hooked and bleeding profusely.Mastectomy's musicianship cannot be faulted here, delivering track after track, executed with expert precision. The music itself is as skillful as it is diverse, with elements ranging from strikes of barbaric Brutal Death-Metal, to technical Death-Metal, Slam and even Grindcore. Tracks such as; "Repulsive Inhuman bestiality" and "Deadly Chain Of Events", for example, are rolling riff machines, driven by mechanical drumming, rumbling bass and intense rhythms. Bursting forth with Grinding fury at a furious speed, "Global Cesspool", shows Mastectomy channeling their own inner, Brutal Truth. Armed to the teeth with blastbeats and hammering Slams, "Suffocated By Barbed Wire", is a savage as the name suggests, displaying intoxicating, Katalepsy and Kraanium-esque traditional Slamming grooves.
"Krew Za Krew (Blood For Blood)", "Domain Of A Dreadful Reprisal" and "Pornopaedophilic Infestation", lean heavily towards the older ways, to a more traditional style of savagery, with a refreshing injection of old-school Death Metal feeling, sounding like a genius mixture of, Six Feet Under, Hypocrisy and Devourment. Even the Slam staples, such as; "Multiple Pavulon Injections", "Family Execution" and "Squeezing The Trigger", are performed with above average brilliance, with enough groove, slide-riffing and pummeling intensity to sound like a fresh, exciting and unexplored musical territory. The delightfully titled, "Beat Down That F#cking Bitch", adds a technical flair to the Brutal Death-Metal barrage, while elsewhere, "Aborted From A God's Womb", crushes with waves of Deathcore-esque Slamming, infused with an almost Black-Metal harshness.
Overall, Hell On Earth is a superb effort and a unique slice of thoroughly enjoyable and extreme Brutal Death-Metal. The album certainly has an undeniable charm. Whether this attraction comes from the great songs and songwriting, or the little yet essential details, like being able to hear all the instruments clearly throughout, and the amazing vocals, it is hard to pinpoint, because it is the complete package, the album as a whole, that delivers on so many levels and ticks boxes across the board.
HELL ON EARTH is available through ROTTEN MUSIC HERE
Listen to single, "FAMILY EXECUTION" HERE
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