Emerging from the depths of the labyrinth that is the Swedish Death-Metal underground in the late 1980's, Merciless remain one of the most influential and criminally underrated bands of their generation. With a diverse, and unique sound, Merciless are undeniably Swedish Death-Metal pioneers, who defied the traditionalist ideology and incorporated into their strain of superb Death-Metal, elements of classic Heavy-Metal, Thrash and even soundscapes and folk melody. The result, their 1994 full-length album, Unbound. Although achieving far less underground fame and critical acclaim than their cult classic debut, The Awakening, Unbound is a merciless (if you'll pardon the pun) onslaught of fast and formidable old-school Death-Metal, with a twist.
The eerie, Immortal-esque intro to the opening track, "Unbound", is both chillingly beautiful and typically Scandinavian. The rest of the title track however, is breathtakingly diverse, with breakneck speed riffing and insane drum battering, intermingled with flourishes of Iron Maiden worshiping, almost Folk-Metal guitar work. By the time "The Land I Used To Walk", has shredded into view, it is clear that the influence of the Teutonic Thrash terror being unleashed elsewhere in Europe by, Kreator and Destruction, had reached Merciless' shores, as the influence and reminiscence is inescapable, yet refreshing.
The furious Thrashing speed shows no sign of relenting by the time, "Feebleminded", comes bursting into earshot, but it is the following track, "Back To North", that truly harkens back to the early days of the Scandinavian Death-Metal movement. With thick, melodic walls of Death inspired riffs that descend into frenzied shredding, with occasional flurries of folk and Heavy-Metal instrumentals, this song is as memorable as it is crushing.
"The Silent Truth" has a distinctive, Swedish aura about it, as the Entombed pioneered buzz-saw style riffs provide a delightful rhythmic extremity. "Lost Eternally" is even more rhythmic still, with pleasing hooks and stomping melody, not to mention the most memorable and atmospheric chorus section of the album.
Unapologetically laying down blistering, Thrashing, old-school riffs galore, "Nuclear Attack", is an all-out speed assault, delivering riffs at whiplash inducing speed. Album closer, "Forbidden Pleasure", is a crunching, melody driven Death-Metal masterclass, that shows just how unique and powerful Merciless' sound was.
Although Unbound is a far cry from The Awakening, or even predecessor The Treasures Within, it is still a formidable and fantastic album. A great deal of focus and wasted effort has been poured into the, "is this Death or Thrash?", argument over the years. Whatever your opinion, there is no disputing the power and brilliance of this record, which was birthed into a terraforming scene, at a time when experimentation and exploration was the new trend. Unbound remains an uncompromising Death-Metal diamond in the rough to this day.
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