MURDER PUSSY EXTREME OR JUST OBSCENE? A wise soul once said that art should be disturbing, but in today's modern society, is anything truly disturbing or shocking anymore? In a world where our television screens visualise brutality and debauchery on a daily basis, and thanks to social media and the internet in general, the very depths of human depravity and perversity are just a few clicks away, can any form of art really make people cringe with disgust anymore? Colombian Slamming Brutal Death merchants Murder Pussy, are trying their damnedest to push the very boundaries of acceptability in a scene which is certainly no stranger to revolting artwork, lyrics and music. Murder Pussy, who classify themselves as "Porn Slamming Brutal Death", clearly have no boundaries or reservations when it comes to their releases. You don't even have to listen to either their 2015 debut full length album, Destined To Brutal Rape, or their EP Pathologically Addi...
No Nonsense Metal Reviews does exactly what it says on the tin. With this blog, I will be reviewing the latest slabs of brutality and ear-pounding savagery. So show your support for the underground and for Metal music, give it a chance!